Saturday, February 23, 2013


Today I am thankful for Saturdays filled with roomie dates, criminal minds, and good friends. I woke up and felt like I was getting sick, and I really just wanted to lie in bed all day. But typical Thuy-vy style, she drug me out of bed for some retail therapy and overall roommate bonding. She refused to accept no as an answer. This attitude carried on into the evening.

As much as I drag my feet when she forces me to put on real pants, I must say I love her for it. Tonight I am spending quality time with good friends, and not much is better than that. Sometimes I get too caught up in the adult part of my life that consists of school, grad school applications, and internships that I forget that I am still a 21 year old college student. I am thankful that I have good friends that remind me to be young and live my life.

Levi and Thuy-vy, this one is for you.

You two are the greatest friends a girl could ask for. 


  1. <3 i love you. and i'm sorry. but you'll be coming out again. i never take no for an answer. love, asian persuasion (:

  2. I will only venture out into the world with you after you buy me breakfast at Old European AT LEAST twice.
    You owe me.
