Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 30: don't be good, be great

I have spent the last 48 hours in seminars, presenting research, listening to others present research, and exploring downtown Boise.
Here are the things I have learned.

1.       MRSA is everywhere. And it’s so gross.
2.       Boise has a very interesting breed of people. It’s like Portland meets country. I like it, but it’s definitely unique.
3.       Old men will take any excuse to command a room and ramble for eons.
4.       Athletic trainers are the best people I know.

There was just shy of 500 athletic trainers, students, and other professionals at this conference.
Boise has literally been taken over by NWNATA, and it’s incredible.
Everyone I have met has been kind and positive. They have been funny and laid back. They have taken real interest in every person they meet, and go out of their way to help you out or make you feel at home.
It’s so easy in a big crowd to stick to what you know and who you know. But not athletic trainers. I feel like I've known these people for years. I don’t feel small for being a student. I have not had a single professional blow me off or treat me as though I am less than them. On the contrary, I feel as though each and every person is trying to help build me up.
Everywhere you go you will hear different people chatting about different crazy medical stories, or reminiscing on the good old days. Or simply just making casual conversation over the potato bar with complete strangers.

“work hard, play hard.”

That is the only way I can explain it. these people are  brilliant and they are passionate. They are strong and they are supportive. Most of all, they are proud of their profession. But they also don’t take themselves too seriously.
We had a speaker yesterday, a member of the hall of fame, stand up to give a speech. It went something like this:
“You may notice my interesting choice in pants. I was wearing professional pants, but you see when I bent down to tie my shoes, they ripped!!! This is the third time this has happened, each time it has been at a conference. Thankfully for you all, I had some backup.”

I love what I do. And I am so thankful I was able to come to this conference and fall in love with my profession all over again. They sure know how to inspire you. 

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