Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 42: an apple a day keeps the doctors away

I love the feeling right after you go grocery shopping.
You have so many choices for food, everything is fresh and new, and it all looks so good. Fresh vegetables, meat that doesn't need to be thawed, and opening up that fresh bag of coffee all just make me so happy.
I am normally not a huge cook, but I'm slowly starting to like cooking my own food. (This is a big step for me, I'm sure I have a few family members that just fainted from surprise.) Since I was raised in a very healthy household, I've noticed that eating unhealthy food really makes me feel like crap. Maybe it is just because I never ate it while growing up so I'm not used to the feeling of unhealthy food. I will get a pizza once in a blue moon, and I cannot remember the last time I bought fast food or a frozen dinner.
I love spending 80% of my time in the produce section when I'm grocery shopping.
I love vegetables. I love when they fill up my fridge.

I am thankful grocery store day.

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